Coveware: Ransomware Recovery First Responders

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Ransomware Recovery Process: A Step By Step Guide

Remediating a ransomware incident without making a bitcoin payment

Paying a ransom is always the last recovery option for any ransomware incident. Unfortunately, today’s landscape sees hundreds of businesses land in this exact position with no alternatives. These uncomfortable scenarios and the downtime that results (2+ days on average) are why we built our product and made it accessible to businesses of any size, not just enterprises that can afford entire SWAT teams of cyber responders.

As painful as each ransomware incident is, we are grateful for the trust that we share with our partners and their clients. And we are thrilled when our services result in a positive outcome AND no ransom has to be paid.

Negotiating the bitcoin ransom buys time

In the following partner case study, Sephno Systems successfully and skillfully recovered a client from a ransomware attack.  We supported them through identification and contextualization of the specific strain. We also negotiated the bitcoin ransom amount down, while they contemporaneously recovered from back ups. No bitcoin payment was made, but the parallel process gave the team confidence that they had another viable option to decrypt files & servers should they need it.

Read the full case study.